Calculating the median in Excel PivotTables

Go to Master Data Analysis Yes, you read the title of this post correctly, you can calculate the median and lots of other functions in Excel PivotTables besides the regular options. If you’re a regular user of Excel PivotTables you might know you can change the summary function: Just right-click inside of the PivotTable → […]
Using R to predict if a customer will buy

In this post, I’ll show how to create a simple model to predict if a customer will buy a product after receiving a marketing campaign. Before I get into the example, I’ll briefly explain the basics about the model I’ll use (Logistic Regression). As shown in the image below, you want a model (function) that […]
Ultimate guide to import all files from a folder into Excel

Go to Master Data Analysis I know what you’re thinking: “Another blog post about importing all excel files in a folder”, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. As the title says, this is the ULTIMATE guide to import all files from a folder and I’ll cover from very simple scenarios to dealing with […]
Analyzing 50 million records in Excel

Go to Master Data Analysis A common myth I hear very frequently is that you can’t work with more than 1 million records in Excel. Actually, the right myth should be that you can’t use more than 1,048,576 rows, since this is the number of rows on each sheet; but even this one is false. […]
RStudio Essentials Webinar Series

Have you used RStudio? If you have, you probably know this is one of the best Integrated Development Environments for R. If you haven’t used RStudio yet, check out this video: RStudio, Inc. provides open source and licensed versions of RStudio. You can check the details here. The purpose of this post was to let […]